How to Write a Newsletter

Explore the art of newsletter writing with ParagraphAI, offering guidance on crafting engaging content from personalized subject lines to impactful calls to action, enhanced with AI tools for generating creative text and ensuring your newsletters captivate and connect with your audience.

Writing a newsletter is a great way to keep your audience informed and engaged. Whether you are writing for your business, a club, or a blog, a well-crafted newsletter can help you. Newsletters are great for building relationships with your readers, keeping them up-to-date on your organization's news, and driving results. Let's discuss the basics of how to write a newsletter and some tips for making your newsletter stand out.

What is a Newsletter?

A newsletter is a series of emails that are sent out regularly to keep your target audience informed. Instead of attempting to sell a product, a newsletter is a means of driving engagement by casually sharing knowledge.

What Should be in a Newsletter?

The most challenging part of how to write a newsletter successfully is getting your email recipients to actually open it. In order to reach your audience, an effective newsletter should contain:

  1. Person's Name: The message needs to appear personal, and not just a piece of corporate marketing.
  2. Subject Line: Informative and concise message about the contents of the email.
  3. Preheader: Attention grabbing preview text that is visible before the email is opened.
  4. Body: Where the majority of the information is found, usually split up into sections with headers.
  5. Call to Action Button: A button with a simple message that easily stands out and directs the viewer to the next step.

By adhering to this framework and maintaining a sense of familiarity, your newsletters will succeed.

How to Write a Newsletter

Image of a phone email application pointing out where you will usually find a sender name, subject line, and preheader.

(Source: Sendinblue)

Before proceeding to the newsletter itself, let's talk about getting your email to look presentable especially on mobile devices. Again, make a strong first impression in order to get your subscribers to open the newsletter.

The first thing to make sure to include is a person's name—likely yours if you are the one writing the newsletter, using at, from, etc. to indicate what group the newsletter is representing. This is to help build a sense of familiarity with your subscribers by creating a human connection with them.

Next is the subject line, which should be catchy and to the point. This is where you'll draw in your readers. Use statements that instill curiosity, make an offer, or use time-sensitive language to encourage them to act quickly. You can also personalize the message to include the name of the recipient to maintain familiarity with your subscribers.

The preheader will have the most text, as it expands on the subject line or includes an offer or call to action that wasn't in the subject. Since preheaders accompany subject lines, there isn't a set rule for what they need to include other than that they work together. Perhaps it answers a question asked in the subject, adds context, or throws in some humor, but most importantly the two lines should compliment one another.

Example of a newsletter.

(Source: Litmus)

The body is the main component of your newsletter. Now that you have your reader's attention, you can get into the message. This is where you convey easy-to-read information to your audience. This includes infographics, testimonials, and headers that allow readers to skim for the details that are most relevant or interesting to them.

At the end you should include at least one easily recognizable call to action button, which links to your website or social media with a clear purpose. Many subscribers will have opened your email because of what was written in the subject line and preheader, so this is where you will give them the opportunity to follow up on the opportunity offered by the message in their inbox.

How to Write a Newsletter using ParagraphAI in Two Easy Steps

If you're stuck deciding on how to write a newsletter, whether it's coming up with creative subject lines or headings, the free AI writing tool ParagraphAI has you covered. With a little assistance, you'll be able to easily brainstorm and create engaging text to catch the attention of your subscribers. Here's how to start.

Step 1: Craft Catchy Subject Lines

How to create a subject line using ParagraphAI

Using ParagraphAI's Email feature, you can prompt it to generate subject lines about whatever topic or offer you wish to have communicated to your subscribers. To most effectively brainstorm catchy lines, make sure to retry a few times for different results and also try different prompts as well. This method also works using the Message feature.

Step 2: Write the Newsletter Body Content

How to create an entire newsletter using ParagraphAI

Once again, the Email feature is the go-to pick for composing the content for your newsletter body. Prompt it with your topic, and instantly generate conversational text to use in a newsletter. Setting the sliders to a friendlier and more informal tone can help to personalize your promotional content, which is a good way to form a natural connection with your subscribers. You can also use the Paragraph feature for similar results.


For anyone new to advertising, creating engaging, easy-to-read newsletters for companies or groups can be a challenging endeavor. However, with the right knowledge and tools, you'll be able to maintain engagement with your subscribers thanks to the consistency of your appealing newsletters. So if you're looking to find inspiration for catchy subject lines or engaging storytelling, ParagraphAI will be a useful AI writing assistant in your creative process.